[klutz]how to comics strips?

Marcus I. Ryan marcus at riboflavin.net
Sat Jan 25 12:22:01 PST 2003

Not really any docs other than the code and examples.  However, if you
mail comic requests to the list, I will try to get them added in.

Quoting Geovanny <geov at flyconnect.de>:

> Hi klutz list :)
> I have a friend wo ist doing comics and i would like to help him to
> spread its
> work on the net.
> Wath i am asking you ist to provide me important information/links
> about the
> structure or the way to work and structure a comics strip in order to
> be
> provide its feed and be added to the klutz app.
> Thanks in advance.
> mfG,
> Geo
> --
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Marcus I. Ryan, marcus at riboflavin.net
 "Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it
 flips over, pinning you underneath.  At night, the ice weasels come."
                 -- Matt Groening

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