[klutz] klutz partial images

Andres Martinson andep at chem.byu.edu
Thu Feb 5 12:46:12 PST 2004

Hi Klutz masters :-),

Recently I started renewing the horde installation and decided to include klutz
for my own fun. But I encountered an interesting situation, I am never getting
full images. They are always only half of the less of the original cartoon
The problem is in the downloading from the remote cartoon sites (when i update)

(and not the displaying part, tested).
I am using klutz-RELENG-2004-01-29 from http://ftp.horde.org/pub/snaps/
Horde test.php shows:
    * Horde: 2.2.5-cvs
    * IMP: 3.2.3-cvs (run IMP tests)
    * Klutz: 0.0.1-cvs

For backend I use disk, since the straight from the cartoon sites downloading
doesn't work, but i am not complaining about that.

If any of you know what might be wrong and how could it made work please let me
know, thanks.


Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at BYU

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