[kronolith] [PATCH] Mysql support

Luc Saillard luc+kronolith@alcove.fr
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 19:16:12 +0200

Oops attachement was stripped

diff -Naur -x config kronolith/docs/kronolith.mysql horde/kronolith/docs/kronolith.mysql
--- kronolith/docs/kronolith.mysql	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ horde/kronolith/docs/kronolith.mysql	Tue Jul 17 19:02:52 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# MySQL dump 7.1
+# Host: localhost    Database: calendar
+# Server version	3.22.32-log
+# Table structure for table 'events'
+CREATE TABLE events (
+  id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  groupid varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
+  description text,
+  location text,
+  keywords text,
+  title varchar(80),
+  category varchar(80),
+  recur_type int(11) DEFAULT '0',
+  recur_interval int(11),
+  recur_days int(11),
+  start datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
+  end datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
+  recur_enddate date,
+  alarm tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0',
+# Dumping data for table 'events'
+INSERT INTO events VALUES (9,'luc','test de 10 heures','',NULL,'plop','Personal',1,1,NULL,'2001-07-03 10:00:00','2001-07-03 11:00:00','9999-12-31',0);
+INSERT INTO events VALUES (10,'luc','azaezaea','',NULL,'test de 15 heures','Personal',0,NULL,NULL,'2001-07-03 14:00:00','2001-07-03 15:00:00',NULL,0);
+INSERT INTO events VALUES (11,'luc','ezaeaezaezzea','',NULL,'aezaeaae','Personal',0,NULL,NULL,'2001-07-03 22:00:00','2001-07-03 23:00:00',NULL,0);
+INSERT INTO events VALUES (12,'luc','enrgehrrpehgerer\r\nerterpjeot\r\nsretbsets','',NULL,'test 2','Personal',1,1,NULL,'2001-07-17 14:00:00','2001-07-17 15:00:00','9999-12-31',0);
+# Table structure for table 'groups'
+CREATE TABLE groups (
+  name varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
+  owner varchar(100),
+  mode int(11),
+  PRIMARY KEY (name)
+# Dumping data for table 'groups'
+INSERT INTO groups VALUES ('luc','luc',1);
+INSERT INTO groups VALUES ('il','luc',3);
+INSERT INTO groups VALUES ('mk','luc',3);
+# Table structure for table 'users'
+  userid varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
+  groupid varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
+  PRIMARY KEY (userid,groupid)
+# Dumping data for table 'users'
+INSERT INTO users VALUES ('luc','il');
+INSERT INTO users VALUES ('luc','luc');
+INSERT INTO users VALUES ('luc','mk');
diff -Naur -x config kronolith/lib/Driver/mcal.php horde/kronolith/lib/Driver/mcal.php
--- kronolith/lib/Driver/mcal.php	Tue Jul 10 22:38:07 2001
+++ horde/kronolith/lib/Driver/mcal.php	Tue Jul 17 13:54:54 2001
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
     function listAlarms($date)
-        $events = mcal_list_alarms($this->stream, $date['year'], $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['hours'], $date['minutes'], $date['seconds']);
+        $events = @mcal_list_alarms($this->stream, $date['year'], $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['hours'], $date['minutes'], $date['seconds']);
         return is_array($events) ? $events : array();
diff -Naur -x config kronolith/lib/Driver/mysql.php horde/kronolith/lib/Driver/mysql.php
--- kronolith/lib/Driver/mysql.php	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ horde/kronolith/lib/Driver/mysql.php	Tue Jul 17 18:49:07 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+// $Horde: kronolith/lib/Driver/mysql.php,v 1.11 2001/06/08 20:23:32 chuck Exp $
+include "Date/Calc.php";
+ * The Kronolith_Driver_mysql:: class implements the Kronolith_Driver
+ * API for an Mysql backend.
+ * Each user is in there own group.
+ * Table users contains a tuple (user,group) like, that we can ask the list of group a user is subscribe
+ *  SELECT groupid from users where userid='XXX'
+ * or the list of subscriber for a group
+ *  SELECT userid from users where groupid='XXX'
+ * Table groups contains information for a group. Like the main owner (which can change access to the group),
+ * and access mode (public, private, share). For now, a group can't contains another group. If we do this, we need
+ * another sub select request. Perhaps we can propose this with a id like Huffman code. The can only have 26 subcategory.
+ * A-->Z then AA-->AZ ... ZA-->ZZ then AAA--> .... --> ZZZ.
+ * So if we wen search main category , we search with A%
+ *
+ * @author  Luc Saillard <luc.saillard@fr.alcove.com>
+ * @version $Revision: 0.1 $
+ * @since   Kronolith 0.3
+ * @package kronolith
+ */
+class Kronolith_Driver_mysql {
+    var $mcalUsername;
+    var $mcalPassword;
+    var $stream;
+    var $host; /* host:port */
+    var $database;
+    var $userid;
+    function Kronolith_Driver_mysql($params)
+    {
+        $this->mcalUsername = $params['username'];
+        $this->mcalPassword = $params['password'];
+        $this->database = $params['database'];
+        $this->host = $params['host'];
+    }
+    function open($userid)
+    {
+	if (empty($this->mcalPassword))
+	 {
+	   $this->stream = mysql_pconnect($this->host, $this->mcalUsername);
+	 }
+	else
+	 {
+	   $this->stream = mysql_pconnect($this->host, $this->mcalUsername, $this->mcalPassword);
+	 }
+	if (!mysql_select_db($this->database,$this->stream))
+	{
+	  print("Can't open database " . $this->database ."<br>\n");
+	  exit();
+	}
+	$this->userid = $userid;
+    }
+    function listAlarms($date)
+    {
+	// TODO: 
+        $events = array();
+        return is_array($events) ? $events : array();
+    }
+    function listEvents($startDate, $endDate)
+    {
+	$events = array();
+	$stime=sprintf("%04d%02d%02d000000",$startDate['year'],$startDate['month'],$startDate['day']);
+	$etime=sprintf("%04d%02d%02d235959",$endDate['year'],$endDate['month'],$endDate['day']);
+	/* Check the begin date then check the end date against end,recur_enddate, then check against groupid */
+	$q = "SELECT DISTINCT e.id FROM events AS e, users AS u WHERE " .
+	    "e.start >= " . $stime . " AND " .
+	     "(e.end <= " . $etime . " OR (e.recur_enddate <= " . $etime . " AND e.recur_type != 0)) AND " .
+	     "((u.userid='" . $this->userid . "' AND e.groupid = u.groupid) OR e.groupid = '" . $this->userid . "')";
+	//printf("%s<br>\n",$q);
+	if ($qr=mysql_query($q,$this->stream))
+	 {
+	   while (list($id) = mysql_fetch_row($qr))
+	    {
+	      $events[]=$id;
+	    }
+	 }
+        return $events;
+    }
+    function getEvent($eventID)
+    {
+	$qr = mysql_query("SELECT id,groupid,description,location,keywords,title,category," .
+	    "recur_type,recur_enddate,recur_interval,recur_days,start,end,alarm," .
+	    "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start),UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end),TO_DAYS(recur_enddate) " .
+	    "FROM events WHERE id = $eventID",$this->stream);
+	if ($qr)
+	{
+	  $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qr);
+	  if (is_array($row))
+	  {
+	    while (list($key,$val) = each($row)) {
+	       //print("getEvent($eventID): $key ==> [$val]<br>\n");
+	       $res->$key = $val;
+	    }
+	    list($res->start->year,$res->start->month,$res->start->mday,$res->start->hour,$res->start->minute,$res->start->second) = sscanf($row['start'],"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d");
+	    list($res->end->year,$res->end->month,$res->end->mday,$res->end->hour,$res->end->minute,$res->end->second) = sscanf($row['end'],"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d");
+//	    list($res->recur_enddate->year,$res->recur_enddate->month,$res->recur_enddate->mday) = sscanf($row['recur_enddate'],"%04d-%02d-%02d");
+	    $res->startTimestamp=$row['UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start)'];
+	    $res->endTimestamp=$row['UNIX_TIMESTAMP(end)'];
+	    $res->recur_enddays=$row['TO_DAYS(recur_enddate)'];
+	    return $res;
+	  }
+	}
+	return 0;
+    }
+    function getEventObject($eventID = null)
+    {
+        if (isset($eventID))
+            return new Kronolith_Event_mysql($this, $this->getEvent($eventID));
+        else
+            return new Kronolith_Event_mysql($this);
+    }
+    function saveEvent($eventID, $properties)
+    {
+        if ($eventID) {
+	   $query = "UPDATE events SET ";
+	   while (list($key,$val) = each($properties))
+	    {
+	      $query .= " $key='" . mysql_escape_string($val) . "',";
+	    }
+	   $query=substr($query,0,-1);
+	   $query .= " WHERE id = $eventID ";
+	   //print("$query<br>\n");
+	   if (!mysql_query($query, $this->stream))
+	    {
+	      echo mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<BR>";
+	      exit();
+	      return false;
+	    }
+	    return true;
+	} else {
+	   $query = "INSERT INTO events ";
+	   $cols_name = "(";
+	   $cols_values = "values (";
+	   while (list($key,$val) = each($properties))
+	    {
+	      $cols_name .= " $key,";
+	      $cols_values .= "'" . mysql_escape_string($val) . "',";
+	    }
+	   $cols_name .= " groupid)";
+	   $cols_values .= "'" . mysql_escape_string($this->userid) . "')";
+	   //print("$query . $cols_name . $cols_values<br>\n");
+	   if (!mysql_query($query . $cols_name . $cols_values, $this->stream))
+	    {
+	      echo mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<BR>";
+	      exit();
+	      return false;
+	    }
+	   return true;
+	}
+    }
+    function nextRecurrence($eventID, $afterDate = null, $weekstart = KRONOLITH_SUNDAY)
+    {
+      return false;
+      //print("</table><h2>nextRecurrence($eventID, " . $afterDate['year'] . "/" . $afterDate['month'] . "/" . $afterDate['mday'] ." , $weekstart)<br>\n");
+      $obj = $this->getEvent($eventID);
+      switch($obj->recur_type)
+       {
+	  /* The formula is :
+	   *  next_day = cur_day + interval - (cur_day - start_day) % interval
+	   * All the calcul is done in days (because we can't use timestamp in a 32 bits integer, year 9999 return -1 ;)
+	   */
+	   $q = sprintf("SELECT TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME('%d')),TO_DAYS('%04d-%02d-%02d')",
+	     $obj->startTimestamp,$afterDate['year'],$afterDate['month'],$afterDate['mday']);
+	   //print("<h2>$q<br>");
+	   if ($qr=mysql_query($q,$this->stream))
+	   {
+	     $row = mysql_fetch_array($qr);
+	     if (is_array($row))
+	      {
+		$start_day = $row[0];
+		$current_day = $row[1];
+		$end_day = $obj->recur_enddays;
+		//$start_day = $obj->startTimestamp/3600/24; /* In days */
+		//$current_day = Date_Calc::dateToDays($afterDate['mday'],$afterDate['month'],$afterDate['year']);
+		//$end_day = $obj->recurEndTimestamp/3600/24;
+		if ($obj->recur_interval<=1)
+		  $next_day = $current_day;
+		else
+		  $next_day = $current_day + $obj->recur_interval - (($current_day - $start_day)%$obj->recur_interval);
+		//printf("start_day=%d next_day=%d end_day=%d<br>\n",$start_day,$next_day,$end_day);
+		/* If the next day is greater than $end_day return nothing */
+		if ($next_day > $end_day)
+		  return false;
+		list($res->year,$res->month,$res->mday)=Kronolith_Driver_mysql::daysToDate($next_day);
+		return $res;
+	      }
+	   }
+	   return false;
+	  $start_day = $obj->start->mday;
+	  $current_day = $afterDate['mday'];
+	  if ($obj->recur_interval<=1)
+	    $next_day=$current_day;
+	  else
+	    $next_day = $current_day + $obj->recur_interval - (($current_day - $start_day)%$obj->recur_interval);
+	  $interval=$obj->recur_interval*7;
+	  $start_day = Kronolith::dayOfYear($obj->start->year,$obj->start->month,$obj->start->mday);
+	  $current_day = Kronolith::dayOfYear($afterDate['year'],$afterDate['month'], $afterDate['mday']);
+	  $next_day = $current_day + $interval - (($current_day - $start_day) % $interval);
+	  $res->year=$afterDate['year'];
+	  $res->month=$afterDate['month'];
+	  $res->mday=$next_day;
+	  break;
+	  $interval= ($obj->recur_interval*365) + Kronolith::isLeapYear($afterDate['year']);
+	  $start_day = Kronolith::dayOfYear($obj->start->year,$obj->start->month,$obj->start->mday);
+	  $current_day = Kronolith::dayOfYear($afterDate['year'],$afterDate['month'], $afterDate['mday']);
+	  $next_day = $current_day + $interval - (($current_day - $start_day) % $interval);
+	  break;
+	default:
+	  return false;
+       }
+      /* The test is done by the function who use the function */
+      $end_day = Kronolith::dayOfYear($obj->recur_enddate_year,$obj->recur_enddate_month, $obj->recur_enddate_day);
+      printf("start_day=%d, current_day=%d, next_day=%d, end_day=%d\n",$start_day,$current_day,$next_day,$end_day);
+//      if ($next_day<=$end_day) 
+       {
+	 list($year, $month, $mday) = explode(':', date('Y:n:j', $next_day * 3600 *24));
+	 print("nextRecurrence(" .$res->year . "/" . $res->month . "/" . $res->mday .")<br>\n");
+	 return $res;
+       }
+    }
+    function deleteEvent($eventID)
+    {
+	$query = "DELETE from events WHERE id = $eventID";
+	if (!mysql_query($query, $this->stream))
+	 {
+	   echo mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<BR>";
+	   return false;
+	 }
+	return true;
+    }
+    function parseMcalDate($dateObject)
+    {
+        if (count($dateObject) === 0) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        $year = isset($dateObject->year) ? $dateObject->year : 0;
+        $month = isset($dateObject->month) ? $dateObject->month : 0;
+        $day = isset($dateObject->mday) ? $dateObject->mday : 0;
+        // Check for events with no recur_enddate
+        if ($year == 9999 && $month == 12 && $day == 31) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        $hour = isset($dateObject->hour) ? $dateObject->hour : 0;
+        $minute = isset($dateObject->min) ? $dateObject->min : 0;
+        $second = isset($dateObject->sec) ? $dateObject->sec : 0;
+        return mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Converts number of days to a distant unspecified epoch.
+     *
+     * @param int number of days
+     *
+     * @access public
+     *
+     * @return an array(YYYY,MM,DD)
+     */
+    function daysToDate($days)
+     {
+       $days       -=    1721119;
+       $century     =    floor(( 4 * $days -  1) /  146097);
+       $days        =    floor(4 * $days - 1 - 146097 * $century);
+       $day         =    floor($days /  4);
+       $year        =    floor(( 4 * $day +  3) /  1461);
+       $day         =    floor(4 * $day +  3 -  1461 * $year);
+       $day         =    floor(($day +  4) /  4);
+       $month       =    floor(( 5 * $day -  3) /  153);
+       $day         =    floor(5 * $day -  3 -  153 * $month);
+       $day         =    floor(($day +  5) /  5);
+       if($month < 10)
+	 $month +=3;
+       else
+	{
+	  $month -=9;
+	  if($year++ == 99)
+	   {
+	     $year = 0;
+	     $century++;
+	   }
+	}
+       return array($year + $century*100,$month,$day);
+     } 
+class Kronolith_Event_mysql extends Kronolith_Event {
+    var $initialized = false;
+    function Kronolith_Event_mysql(&$driver, $eventObject = null)
+    {
+        parent::Kronolith_Event($driver, $eventObject);
+	$this->properties=array();
+	$this->eventID=0;
+        if (isset($eventObject))
+            $this->parseMcalEvent($eventObject);
+    }
+    function save()
+    {
+        if (!$this->initialized) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return $this->driver->saveEvent($this->eventID, $this->properties);
+    }
+    function parseMcalEvent($mcalEvent)
+    {
+        $this->title = $mcalEvent->title;
+        if (isset($mcalEvent->category)) {
+            $this->category = $mcalEvent->category;
+        }
+        $this->location = isset($mcalEvent->attrlist['location']) ? $mcalEvent->attrlist['location'] : '';
+        if (isset($mcalEvent->attrlist['keywords'])) {
+            $this->keywords = explode(',', $mcalEvent->attrlist['keywords']);
+        }
+        if (isset($mcalEvent->description)) {
+            $this->description = $mcalEvent->description;
+        }
+        $this->eventID = $mcalEvent->id;
+        $this->startTimestamp = $mcalEvent->startTimestamp;
+        $this->endTimestamp = $mcalEvent->endTimestamp;
+        if (isset($mcalEvent->recurEndTimestamp)) {
+            $this->recurEndTimestamp = $mcalEvent->recurEndTimestamp;
+        } else {
+            $this->recurEndTimestamp = 0;
+        }
+	if (isset($mcalEvent->alarm))
+	  $this->alarm = $mcalEvent->alarm;
+	else
+	  $this->alarm = 0;
+        $this->recurType = $mcalEvent->recur_type;
+        $this->recurInterval = $mcalEvent->recur_interval;
+        if (isset($mcalEvent->recur_data)) {
+            $this->recurData = $mcalEvent->recur_data;
+        }
+        $this->initialized = true;
+    }
+    function readFormData($eventData)
+    {
+        global $prefs;
+        // basic fields
+        if (isset($eventData['title'])) {
+	    $this->properties['title']=$eventData['title'];
+        }
+        if (isset($eventData['description'])) {
+	    $this->properties['description']=$eventData['description'];
+        }
+        if (isset($eventData['category'])) {
+	    $this->properties['category']=$eventData['category'];
+        }
+        if (isset($eventData['location'])) {
+	    $this->properties['location']=$eventData['location'];
+        }
+        if (isset($eventData['keywords'])) {
+	    $this->properties['keywords']=$eventData['keywords'];
+        }
+        // event start
+        if (isset($eventData['start_year'])
+            && isset($eventData['start_month'])
+            && isset($eventData['start_day'])
+            && isset($eventData['start_hour'])
+            && isset($eventData['start_min'])
+            && (isset($eventData['am_pm'])
+            || ($prefs->getValue('24hr')))) {
+            if (!$prefs->getValue('24hr')) {
+                if ($eventData['am_pm'] == 'PM') {
+                    if ($eventData['start_hour'] != 12)
+                        $eventData['start_hour'] += 12;
+                } elseif ($eventData['start_hour'] == 12) {
+                    $eventData['start_hour'] = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            if (isset($eventData['end_or_dur'])
+                && $eventData['end_or_dur'] == 1
+                && isset($eventData['whole_day'])
+                && $eventData['whole_day'] == 1) {
+                $eventData['start_hour'] = 0;
+                $eventData['start_min'] = 0;
+                $eventDate['dur_day'] = 0;
+                $eventData['dur_hour'] = 24;
+                $eventData['dur_min'] = 0;
+            }
+	    $this->properties['start']=sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d00",
+	      $eventData['start_year'],$eventData['start_month'],$eventData['start_day'],
+	      $eventData['start_hour'],$eventData['start_min']);
+            if (isset($eventData['end_or_dur'])
+                && $eventData['end_or_dur'] == 1) {
+                // event duration
+                if (isset($eventData['dur_day']) 
+                    && isset($eventData['dur_hour']) 
+                    && isset($eventData['dur_min'])) {
+		   $endstamp = mktime($eventData['start_hour'] + $eventData['end_hour'],
+		       $eventData['start_min'] + $eventData['end_min'],
+		       0,
+		       $eventData['start_month'],
+		       $eventData['start_day'],
+		       $eventData['start_year']);
+		   $this->properties['end']=date('YmdHis',$endstamp);
+                }
+            } else {
+                // event end
+                if (isset($eventData['end_year'])
+                    && isset($eventData['end_month'])
+                    && isset($eventData['end_day'])
+                    && isset($eventData['end_hour'])
+                    && isset($eventData['end_min'])
+                    && (isset($eventData['end_am_pm'])
+                    || ($prefs->getValue('24hr')))) {
+                    if (!$prefs->getValue('24hr')) {
+                        if ($eventData['end_am_pm'] == 'PM') {
+                            if ($eventData['end_hour'] != 12)
+                                $eventData['end_hour'] += 12;
+                        } elseif ($eventData['end_hour'] == 12) {
+                            $eventData['end_hour'] = 0;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $endstamp = mktime($eventData['end_hour'],
+                                       $eventData['end_min'],
+                                       0,
+                                       $eventData['end_month'],
+                                       $eventData['end_day'],
+                                       $eventData['end_year']);
+//                    if ($endstamp < $startstamp)
+//                        $endstamp = $startstamp;
+		    $this->properties['end']=date('YmdHis',$endstamp);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // alarm
+        if (isset($eventData['alarm'])) {
+            if ($eventData['alarm'] == 1 &&
+                isset($eventData['alarm_hour']) &&
+                isset($eventData['alarm_min'])) {
+	       $this->properties['alarm']=($eventData['alarm_hour'] * 60 + $eventData['alarm_min']);
+            } else {
+	       $this->properties['alarm']=0;
+            }
+        }
+        // recurrence
+        if (isset($eventData['recur'])) {
+            if (isset($eventData['recur_enddate_type']) &&
+                $eventData['recur_enddate_type'] == 'none') {
+                $eventData['recur_enddate_year'] = 9999;
+                $eventData['recur_enddate_month'] = 12;
+                $eventData['recur_enddate_day'] = 31;
+            }
+            switch ($eventData['recur']) {
+            case KRONOLITH_RECUR_NONE:
+		$this->properties['recur_type']=KRONOLITH_RECUR_NONE;
+                break;
+            case KRONOLITH_RECUR_DAILY:
+                if (isset($eventData['recur_enddate_year'])
+                    && isset($eventData['recur_enddate_month'])
+                    && isset($eventData['recur_enddate_day'])) {
+                    if (empty($eventData['recur_daily_interval'])) 
+		      $eventData['recur_daily_interval'] = 1;
+		    $this->properties['recur_type']=KRONOLITH_RECUR_DAILY;
+		    $this->properties['recur_interval']=$eventData['recur_daily_interval'];
+		    $this->properties['recur_enddate']=sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_year'],
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_month'],
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_day']);
+                }
+                break;
+            case KRONOLITH_RECUR_WEEKLY:
+                if (isset($eventData['recur_enddate_year'])
+                    && isset($eventData['recur_enddate_month'])
+                    && isset($eventData['recur_enddate_day'])
+                    && isset($eventData['weekly'])
+                    && is_array($eventData['weekly'])) {
+                    $weekdays = 0;
+                    foreach ($eventData['weekly'] as $day) {
+                        $weekdays |= $day;
+                    }
+                    if (empty($eventData['recur_weekly_interval']))
+		      $eventData['recur_weekly_interval'] = 1;
+		    $this->properties['recur_type']=KRONOLITH_RECUR_WEEKLY;
+		    $this->properties['recur_interval']=$eventData['recur_weekly_interval'];
+		    $this->properties['recur_days']=$weekdays;
+		    $this->properties['recur_enddate']=sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_year'],
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_month'],
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_day']);
+                }
+                break;
+                if (isset($eventData['recur_enddate_year'])
+                    && isset($eventData['recur_enddate_month'])
+                    && isset($eventData['recur_enddate_day'])) {
+                    if (empty($eventData['recur_day_of_month_interval']))
+		      $eventData['recur_day_of_month_interval'] = 1;
+		    $this->properties['recur_type']=KRONOLITH_RECUR_DAY_OF_MONTH;
+		    $this->properties['recur_interval']=$eventData['recur_day_of_month_interval'];
+		    $this->properties['recur_enddate']=sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_year'],
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_month'],
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_day']);
+                }
+                break;
+                if (isset($eventData['recur_enddate_year'])
+                    && isset($eventData['recur_enddate_month'])
+                    && isset($eventData['recur_enddate_day'])) {
+                    if (empty($eventData['recur_week_of_month_interval'])) $eventData['recur_week_of_month_interval'] = 1;
+		    $this->properties['recur_type']=KRONOLITH_RECUR_WEEK_OF_MONTH;
+		    $this->properties['recur_interval']=$eventData['recur_week_of_month_interval'];
+		    $this->properties['recur_enddate']=sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_year'],
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_month'],
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_day']);
+                }
+                break;
+            case KRONOLITH_RECUR_YEARLY:
+                if (isset($eventData['recur_enddate_year'])
+                    && isset($eventData['recur_enddate_month'])
+                    && isset($eventData['recur_enddate_day'])) {
+                    if (empty($eventData['recur_yearly_interval'])) $eventData['recur_yearly_interval'] = 1;
+		    $this->properties['recur_type']=KRONOLITH_RECUR_YEARLY;
+		    $this->properties['recur_interval']=$eventData['recur_yearly_interval'];
+		    $this->properties['recur_enddate']=sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_year'],
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_month'],
+			$eventData['recur_enddate_day']);
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        $this->initialized = true;
+    }

>     Saillard Luc           |          Free Software Engineer             <
> Luc.Saillard@fr.alcove.com |        Alcôve, liberating software          <
>   (www.alcove.com)         |        http://www.alcove-labs.org/          <