[kronolith] greek language support help

Jan Schneider janmailing@gmx.de
Wed, 5 Sep 2001 16:26:55 +0200

Zitat von Xristoforos Silligardos <xsilliga@teiath.gr>:

> dear all
> we are trying to use kronolith with greek lunguage support, we would like to
> know which language is chosen inside the next three files:
>         /kronolith/template/day/head.inc
>         /kronolith/template/week/head.inc
>         /kronolith/template/month/head.inc

I'm not quite sure what you mean but if you relate to the date string: These 
are formated according the selected locale. If your user selects Greek as the 
language the locale is probably set to gr_GR. If this locale is installed on 
the server the correct date string is displayed.

Btw: Would you provide us your translation if you're ready?
