[kronolith] Missing menuitem

Stefan Schleifer gnut@odn.de
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 20:47:20 +0100

At 20:37 10.12.2001, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
>Quoting Martin List-Petersen <martin@list-petersen.dk>:
> > I'm actually missing the Logout menu-item in Kronolith.
> >
> > It's in the main Horde screen and in IMP, but not in Kronolith (and for 
> that
> > case, it's not in Turba either).
>It's not in any Horde apps beside IMP and Gollem, in fact, since it doesn't
>really make sense there...
>Comments? Should it always be in the menu? How do we differentiate between
>logging out of IMP and logging out of Horde (when there actually is a

Perhaps it makes sense to add the logout-button to the lower frame of horde 
(where horde/mail/calendar and so on resist). It automatically appears then 
at the systems which e.g. use imp for authentication and does not appear in 
the menus of the seperate modules.

A generally available logout-button would be very helpful at all :-)
