[kronolith] Sharing calender info

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 13:02:43 +0100

Zitat von Anders Gjerløv <anders@gjerlov.dk>:

> Hi,
> Got the events to show in the summary btw - thanks!
> Is there a simple way to share the calendar info at this time of
> development?
> If no - any ideas as to an unsimple way - or when it's planned
> implemented?

A "real" implementation won't be started before the Group/Category classes 
are in a stable state.

Until then you can apply the "dirty" patch that was posted to this list a 
few days ago. Check the archives on MARC.
> Btw - to the programmers - you rule!!! The new version of
> Horde/Imp/Turba/Kronolith/Nag is too cool, and was quickly installed
> and configured! Keep up the fantastic work, and let us know what you
> need tested!

Thanks for the compliments. Everything needs to be tested. :-) Just use the 
apps for your every day work and you surely will find some bugs!


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