[kronolith] hmm.. Undefined index: calendar

Blake Crosby me@blakecrosby.com
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 08:29:15 -0500

Hmm, not quite sure what you mean.

My registry.php file is only 164 lines long. However I did put:

include $this->applications['calendar']['fileroot'] . '/config/conf.php';

At the bottom, and still - got the same error message.


At 12:23 PM 2002/01/16 +0100, you wrote:
>You have probably made a syntax error somewhere in the conf.php file.
>This file is included in /horde/lib/Registry.php around line 537
>Try to remove the @ in front of the line:
>include $this->applications[$app]['fileroot'] . '/config/conf.php';
>The @ supresses any error messages from the include command.
>When removing it you will see any parse error fra php.
>René Jensen