[kronolith] kronolith install error

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:19:06 -0600

Quoting Roberto Drake <rcdrake@i-tech.net.mx>:

> I use mysql driver for kronolith
> Warning: Undefined index: calendar in /horde/kronolith/lib/base.php on line
> 64
> Warning: Undefined index: calendar in /horde/kronolith/lib/base.php on line
> 64
> Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
> horde/kronolith/lib/base.php on line 65

I used to get this error, but the new version doesn't seem to do this
anymore maybe?  I *think* I fixed it by changing horde/config/registry.php

$this->applications['kronolith'] = array(


$this->applications['calendar'] = array(

But this is from memory (not current config) so I may be wrong.  I'm
using the CVS version (1.0-CVS) now, and I don't think this error
happens anymore...

Eric Rostetter

Hey Rocky!  Watch me pull a rabbit from my hat!