[kronolith] kronolith and oracle..

liamr@umich.edu liamr@umich.edu
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 17:45:10 -0400

hey guys-

i mentioned this a few months ago, and i didn't do any follow up past november
or so.  kronolith is trying to store dates in a format that oracle can't
understand.  when i try to insert an event, the database returns this error:

object(db_error)(7) { ["error_message_prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["mode"]=> int(1)
["level"]=> int(1024) ["code"]=> int(-1) ["message"]=> string(23) "DB Error:
unknown error"
["userinfo"]=> string(391) "INSERT INTO kronolith_events (event_id, event_title,
event_description, event_category, event_location, event_keywords,
event_exceptions,event_modified, event_start, event_end, event_alarm,
event_recurtype, calendar_id) values
(3,'blah','blah','','','','','1019770056','2002-04-05 16:00:00','2002-04-05
17:00:00','0','0','liamr') [nativecode=ORA-01861: literal does not match format
string ]" ["callback"]=> NULL } 

i gather from the above, to insert a date into mysql...

    insert into date_test (t_date) 
        values ('2002-04-05 00:00:00')

the same sql in oracle looks like...

    insert into date_test (t_date) values 
        (to_date('2002-04-05 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));

It can understand the date in the format mysql uses, but you've got to tell
oracle the format, and throw that inside the to_date() function.

i realize i'm in the minority, trying to run this with oracle.. but it'd be
really cool if it would work with oci8.  

horde guys - we may be able to provide oracle table space to test against if
that would be any incentive.
