[kronolith] Kronolith with php 4.0.6

Jesus L. Paleo jesus@ea1dav.net
Fri, 10 May 2002 16:14:45 +0200

Mensaje citado por Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>:
This is the error message:

Fatal error: Failed opening 
required '/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/horde/kronolith/lib/../../lib/Notification.php
' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') 
in /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/horde/kronolith/lib/base.php on line 49

This is the test.php screen:

Horde Versions
Horde: 2.0 
IMP: 3.0 
Turba: 1.1 
Kronolith: 1.0 
PHP Version
View phpinfo() screen 
PHP Version: 4.0.6 
PHP Major Version: 4.0 
PHP Minor Version: 6 
PHP Version Classification: release 
You are running a supported version of PHP.
PHP Module Capabilities
FTP Support: Yes 
Gettext Support: Yes 
IMAP Support: Yes 
LDAP Support: Yes 
MCAL Support: No 
Mcrypt Support: Yes 
MySQL Support: Yes 
PostgreSQL Support: Yes 
XML Support: Yes 
Miscellaneous PHP Settings
magic_quotes_runtime set to Off: Yes 
PHP Sessions
Session counter: 1 
To unregister the session: click here 
PEAR - Yes 
Recent PEAR - Yes 
Mail::RFC822 - Yes 
Log - Yes 
DB - Yes 

> Zitat von "Jesus L. Paleo" <jesus@ea1dav.net>:
> > I am having problems  to run Kronolith. After read a bit more, i suspect
> > that 
> > my problem can be the php version i have, it is 4.0.6 in a Suse 7.2.
> > 
> > The question is if this is the problem, or i have missed some thing in
> > the 
> > config.
> Without knowing what version of Kronolith and Horde you run and what kind 
> of problems you have, we can't give you an appropriate answer.
> Jan.
> --
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Jesus L. Paleo
