[kronolith] Add Event issue

Derek J. Balling dballing@byramhealthcare.com
Tue, 9 Jul 2002 15:16:05 -0400

Any time I add an event on my own calendar, it just vanishes. ;-)  I 
go through the whole process, everything seems "cool", no error is 
logged in the error.log, but the event simply isn't in the calendar 
database anywhere (I tried exporting the calendar to CSV to see if 
maybe it was getting a corrupted value somewhere, and was now in like 
1902 or 2102 or something).

Anyone seen something like this before?


| Derek J. Balling             | "You can get more with a kind  |
| Sr. System Administrator     |  word and a two-by-four, than  |
| dballing@byramhealthcare.com |  you can with just a kind      |
| +1 (914) 286-2044            |  word."               - Marcus |