[kronolith] Add Event issue

Clive Eisen clive@serendipita.com
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 10:41:12 +0000

I've seen this where the end time of the event is midnight.

I haven't tracked it down yet :-(
Clive Eisen  
mob: +44 (0) 7980 899 222 
email: ceisen@serendipita.com internet: http://www.serendipita.com 

Quoting "Derek J. Balling" <dballing@byramhealthcare.com>:

> Any time I add an event on my own calendar, it just vanishes. ;-)  I 
> go through the whole process, everything seems "cool", no error is 
> logged in the error.log, but the event simply isn't in the calendar 
> database anywhere (I tried exporting the calendar to CSV to see if 
> maybe it was getting a corrupted value somewhere, and was now in like 
> 1902 or 2102 or something).
> Anyone seen something like this before?
> D
> -- 
> --
> +------------------------------+--------------------------------+
> | Derek J. Balling             | "You can get more with a kind  |
> | Sr. System Administrator     |  word and a two-by-four, than  |
> | dballing@byramhealthcare.com |  you can with just a kind      |
> | +1 (914) 286-2044            |  word."               - Marcus |
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
> -- 
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