[kronolith] bugs...

Mathieu_Legare@UQTR.CA Mathieu_Legare@UQTR.CA
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 22:59:04 -0400


Using Horde 2.1, Kronolith 1.0 here is a strange behaviour I noticed when added 
the following event (sql driver):

starting 2003-03-01
At 12:00AM
All the day
no alert
repeat each year (1)
no end date

Here is what I got inserted in my database (mysql) :

|      121 | foobar      |                   |                |                
|                  | foo's birthday
            |                | 5               | 1                   | 
NULL            | 1969-12-31 00:00:0
0 | 2003-03-01 00:00:00 | 2003-03-02 00:00:00 |           0 |     1026873715 |

If I browse to March 2003, the event is not displayed...

Am I missing something or there is really a bug ?

Thanks and have a nice day,

Courriel expédié via https://courriel.uqtr.ca