[kronolith] adict and scheduling
Chuck Hagenbuch
Sat, 31 Aug 2002 21:21:25 -0400
Quoting Tim Terlegård <timte878@student.liu.se>:
> Then we come to the scheduler issue. Chuck, did you
> think about it further?
No, and I doubt I'll have time to for a bit. Cron is fine for now.
> * * * * * lynx -dump http://mysite.org/kronolith-scheduler.php
> but that would require the site being accessible by anyone,
> right? Then it'd be easy to DoS the site.
Take a look at the Jonah and Klutz scripts, where we set an HTTP auth
password for the update scripts.
> Should the HTTP Get be performed by Data_adict or by
> the script calling Data_adict::importFile() ? Something that'd
> be cool would be a URI class with which you can do
> URI.getFile(); Then you'd do
By the script calling Data_adict::import().
> $URI uri = new URI("http://somesite.org/events.adict");
> $Data_adict::importFile(uri);
Have you noticed PHP's fopen-wrappers?
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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