[kronolith] Fwd: [dev] Re: [cvs] commit: kronolith/docs CHANGES kronolithday.php menu.phpmonth.php prefs.php week.php workweek.php kronolith/graphics private.gif public.gif share.gif

Marc G. Fournier scrappy@hub.org
Wed, 4 Sep 2002 15:12:06 -0300 (ADT)

On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting "Marc G. Fournier" <scrappy@hub.org>:
> > Eck ... is there some way of changing the defaults on that?  I have 4000
> > mailboxes/users that will be using the system ... I'd like for each users
> > to be able to maintain their own private calendar by default ...
> That _is_ the default, and it works fine here.

'K, then I definitely have something setup wrong ... if you want to check
it out:

http://webmail.pluto.hub.org u:admin p:acadiau

I appear to have all the 'icons' on the top *except* for 'New Event' ...

And the differences in my config file are local changes:

pluto# diff conf.php.dist conf.php
<  * $Horde: kronolith/config/conf.php.dist,v 1.32 2002/08/20 16:56:34 mikec Exp $
>  * $Horde: kronolith/config/conf.php.dist,v 1.31 2002/07/08 16:32:01 chuck Exp $
< $conf['calendar']['driver'] = 'mcal';
> $conf['calendar']['driver'] = 'sql';
< $conf['calendar']['params']['driver'] = 'mstore';
> // $conf['calendar']['params']['driver'] = 'mstore';
< $conf['calendar']['params']['username'] = '';
< $conf['calendar']['params']['password'] = '';
> // $conf['calendar']['params']['username'] = '';
> // $conf['calendar']['params']['password'] = '';
< // $conf['calendar']['params']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
< // $conf['calendar']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
< // $conf['calendar']['params']['username'] = 'horde';
< // $conf['calendar']['params']['password'] = '*****';
< // $conf['calendar']['params']['database'] = 'horde';
< // $conf['calendar']['params']['table'] = 'kronolith_events';
> $conf['calendar']['params']['phptype'] = 'pgsql';
> $conf['calendar']['params']['hostspec'] = 'db.pluto.hub.org';
> $conf['calendar']['params']['username'] = 'pgsql';
> $conf['calendar']['params']['password'] = '';
> $conf['calendar']['params']['database'] = '1_pluto_hub_org';
> $conf['calendar']['params']['table'] = 'kronolith_events';
< $conf['menu']['print'] = true;
> $conf['menu']['print'] = true;
< $conf['menu']['apps'] = array();
> $conf['menu']['apps'] = array( );

And I see no errors being generated ... *scratch head*

Looking in templates/menu/menu.inc:

if ($perms->hasPermission($_SESSION['kronolith']['share'], Auth::getAuth(), _PERMS_EDIT)) {
    Menu::printItem(Horde::applicationUrl('addevent.php' . $append), _("New Event"), 'new.gif');

Is there somewhere I have to set this that I'm not finding / seeing?