[kronolith] Kronolith Errors
Chuck Hagenbuch
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 23:11:35 -0400
Quoting "Ibarra, Michael" <m.ibarra@cdcixis-na.com>:
> I believe that I've updated all that I need to update wrt cvs, etc.
> -mike
> Warning: Wrong datatype for second argument in call to array_key_exists
> in
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde/lib/Share.php on line 370
> (
> Warning: Wrong datatype for second argument in call to array_key_exists
> in
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde/lib/Share.php on line 392
> )
When does this happen? Anyways, I'm in the middle of rewriting a lot of this
(yes, again), so wait 24 hours or so and we'll see where we are. =)
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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