[kronolith] got to login....how do I login?? create users??

Adrian DeBoer stud_muffin_540@yahoo.com
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 09:20:01 -0700 (PDT)


I've gotten as in Kronolith as getting to the login
prompt....now what!!

 As well as being tied in with Apache and PHP, it also
 works with MySql....you have to login to the system,
 so this I feel is probaly where Mysql comes into
 play....creating the user login accounts in
Mysql....so one can login to the system.....am I right
in assuming that...? 

 My confusion is that I cannot understand the syntax
 create the root@localhost account text based..where
 add the password, what switches to use....ie)
 vs. passwd, where/what direcory to create these
useraccounts, how to view user accounts....do the <>
symbols really apply to the syntax....or just there
for help.. 

Another example of my question is...what does the "$
mysql" part mean...is that the mysql prompt??...mysql>
or is thaT just apart of the syntax line runnung it
from a prompt with a # sign?? 

 I just need this broken down to make sure I am
 entering the right information, symbols, ...that I'm
 interpreting it right... 

I am running MySQL Control Center....the GUI for
 MySQL....i know for a fact that the root@localhost
 account exists because I can view it through MYSQL
 CC....through the user administrator...I added a
 password for the root@localhost account (through
  CC)and when I try to run the syntaxes described
 below...it lists a page or so of switches...kinda
like a man page.... 

 Also...how do you run the scripts??...what is the
syntax for that??

The following is a part of a docs page included with
Horde/Kronolith.. this is found in the

The mysql_create.sql script will create a database
called "horde", and a user called "horde" (with
password "horde") that has full rights to the
database. This script needs to be run as the MySQL
root user (which is NOT the same as the UNIX/Linux
root user): 

$ mysql --user=root --password=<MySQL-root-passwd> <

 After running this script, it's a good idea to
 your MySQL server: 

 $ mysqladmin --user=root
--password=<MySQL-root-passwd> reload 

To check that this is working, the following command
should connect without errors: 

 $ mysql --user=horde --password=horde horde 

 Type "quit" to quit MySQL. 

If you need to uninstall the database, you can do so

 $ mysql --user=root --password=<MySQL-root-passwd> <

 This will delete all your user data! 

 Thanks...in advance

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