[kronolith] Re: kronolith ftp

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 17:17:52 -0500

Quoting Kurt Van Schaeybroeck <kurt.vs@media-art.be>:

> I get  the next error after logging in.
> Fatal error: Failed opening required
> '/usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/media-art.be/httpdocs/horde/kronolith/lib/../../
> lib/Image.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /usr/local/psa/home/
> vhosts/media-art.be/httpdocs/horde/kronolith/lib/base.php on line 19

Make sure you also have the current CVS Horde files... horde/lib/Image.php
should exists in CVS HEAD of Horde.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!