[kronolith] problem when updating to latest CVS 21:00 UTC 13-11-2002

Marc Fellman mfellman@xs4all.nl
Wed Nov 13 20:58:53 2002

Hi all,

I just upgraded all modules to the latets CVS because an event that is scheduled
for lasting a whole day is being seen in the day it is planned on and the next
day. This problem isn't solved but now I also lost a shared calendar. I saw that
there where some changes to the database but I dont see a way to upgrade the
table. Can someone point me to a manner to upgrade the tables?

I now the thing about CVS but shure more people will have to do this and not all
of them now exactly how).

BTW: the thing with the whole day event is especially seen in the week view (7days).

With Kind Regards,

Marc Fellman

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