[kronolith] Function isAllDay() Missing...

Nate Mollring nmollring@cennecs.org
Fri Nov 22 17:09:13 2002

Quoting Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu>:

> Quoting Rick Emery <rick@emery.2y.net>:
> > I was thinking about this last night, and wondered what the best way to
> reset
> > it was (I haven't researched the accelerator that much).
> I have no idea.  Anyone else???
> > How are you resetting
> > it (do you just restart Apache, or is there more involved)?
> I disable it in php.ini, restart apache, delete all the cache files,
> re-enable it in php.ini, and restart apache.  Not elegant, but it solves
> any cached file problems!  Not had any trouble with it yet...

That's how I reset the accelerator and it seems to work.

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