[kronolith] Re: Guest Calendar

Charles Kaucher kaucher at cgki.com
Wed Dec 11 14:13:15 PST 2002

I am showing the guest view of the calendar in a remote site.  I am 
showing several shared calendars. When the calendar comes up none of the 
calendars are selected.  Is there a way to have all shared calendars 
selected so that all events from all calendars appear when it is first 

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Thomas Spellman <thomas@thosmos.com>:
>>I need a read-only calendar on a webpage without the need to log in, but
>>with the ability for an administrator to log in and make changes.  I
>>can't see any config options to set this up.
>>Is this possible with horde cvs as it is, or will I need to make any
>>changes?  If so, what config changes do I have to make to make it work?
> It is possible. Turn allow_guest on for kronolith, create a shared calendar,
> and give guests read access to it.
> -chuck
> --
> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
> "People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
>  - Google, thanks to Harpers

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