[kronolith] ical files SQL storage

Harry Hoffman hhoffman at ip-solutions.net
Tue Dec 17 08:37:01 PST 2002

    Yes I think that's exactly what I'm looking for. What I was thinking is that
is kronolith made these available (via SQL,HTTP) that other registered users
could check Free/Busy info for meetings and the like (i.e.-> when issuing an
    It didn't matter to me how it was stored, I was thinking SQL, but it could
just as easily be LDAP/HTTP. I know that Kronolith can retrieve remote calendar
info right now but it would be nice to have a pref/setting where you could add
the F/B info from other users once and then use Kronolith to automagically check
their schedule.
    What do you think?


Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

*> Quoting Harry Hoffman <hhoffman@ip-solutions.net>:
*> >   Is there anyway to store iCAL free/busy files in either URL or SQL
*> > storage for users so that other users may check calendar status
*> > automatically?
*> I'm unclear why you'd want to put this information into SQL. Is:
*> http://marina.horde.org/horde/kronolith/fb.php/chuck
*> ... what you mean?
*> -chuck
*> --
*> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
*> "People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
*>  - Google, thanks to Harpers
*> --
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Harry Hoffman
ITSS Systems Team Leader
University of Auckland
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