[kronolith] problem with display free/busy URL

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Feb 5 19:45:32 PST 2003

Zitat von Amith Varghese <amith at xalan.com>:

> I have noticed that in kronolith if you have it set so that kronolith
> displays
> tasks and meetings (nag & moment) in the calendar view, you need to log
> in to
> view the free/busy URL.  This is because in lib/base.php of both files
> there
> exists the following line (these files get included through their API
> which
> kronolith uses to generate the free/busy URL):
> if (!Auth::getAuth() && !$registry->allowGuests()) {
>     Horde::authenticationFailureRedirect();
> }
> Now of course you can get around this by allowing guests, but is there
> any other
> way to avoid this?  Maybe I'm missing something here...

No, that's the intended way to enable the free/busy url.


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