[kronolith] Latest CVS & blank screens

Annelise Stighall astighal at kennesaw.edu
Tue Feb 11 16:53:28 PST 2003

if you go to http://horde.org/source/ click on "Using the Horde CVS Repository" it will tell you info about getting a cvs client at http://www.cvshome.org/ and install it thereafter you setup the CVSROOT and login to the cvs repository by using the directions under the Anonymous CVS heading.

once you are connected to the repository you can type
cvs  checkout -r RELENG_3 kronolith 

and it should download the kronolith RELENG_3 to your machine.
To verify that you got the correct version you can dive into the folder and 
cat CVS/Tag  and if it replies TRELENG_3 then you know you got the right one.


>>> Tony Arcus <tony at access-info.co.nz> 2/11/03 1:21:30 AM >>>
The only RELENG I can find is one with a date, i.e. latest
Could you please point me to a url.
Also there are no errors in httpd/access or httpd/error or horde.log

Quoting Annelise Stighall <astighal at kennesaw.edu>:

> I just had a similar problem with kronolith just displaying an empty page.
> Download RELENG_3 of kronolith via cvs from cvs.horde.org and install it. It
> resolved my issue.
> You can also check errors in the apache error_log to give clues what is going
> wrong.
> Regards,
> Al
> >>> Tony Arcus <tony at access-info.co.nz> 02/10/03 15:47 PM >>>
> Just installed the latest CSVs:
> horde-RELENG-2003-02-10.tar.gz  
> imp-RELENG-2003-02-10.tar.gz  
> kronolith-RELENG-2003-02-10.tar.gz
> mnemo-RELENG-2003-02-10.tar.gz      
> turba-RELENG-2003-02-10.tar.gz
> nag-RELENG-2003-02-10.tar.gz
> I can login fine but when I go to kronolith I get the icons along the bottom,
> but a blank screen above.
> I can get imp, mnemo, turba and nag fine and create records.
> The same blank screen also happens when I go back to just horde opening
> screen.
> Thanks in advance

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