[kronolith] Printing in Mozilla

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Mar 14 12:43:29 PST 2003

Quoting Oliver Kuhl <okuhl at netcologne.de>:

> > When the print-view window opens, there is automatically shown the
> print
> > window
> > of the browser. This works fine in IE, but in Mozilla the
> print-function of
> > the
> > browser seems to be called before the html is rendered. Thats why the
> printer
> > prints an empty page.
> >
> > Does anyone has an idea how to fix it?
> I found out that the javascript function for printing in
> horde/templates/javascript/print.js "printWin();" is found at the bottom
> of
> that file _and_ is therefore called before the rest of the html-code is
> loaded/rendered/written. Mozilla seems to call the function before
> rendering.
> The solution would be to call that function later...

No, the problem is that Mozilla triggers the onerror event even on warnings
and I didn't yet find a way to determine in the event handler if an error is
really an error or a warning.

This applies to all print screens btw. The problem is that Mozilla throws
warnings for all kind of stuff like variables not being initialized with
"var" or the usual test in javascript if an object exists: 
"if (object_to_test) { }".


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