[kronolith] Bug or feature ?

Andreas Gunleikskås agunleik at online.no
Wed Apr 23 21:04:52 PDT 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tuxsmartguy
> Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 11:00 AM
> I'm using Horde 2.2.1 and Kronolith 1.1RC4.
> Is it normal that when a nag task is due in the current view of
> Kronolith, this task is displayed ?
> I mean, is the line :
> echo $task['name'];
> in the file lib/Kronolith.php line 318, normal or is it a bug ?
> I removed it for me because it is sometimes annoying.

My view is that it must be a bug - the line produces the task-text in
the top of the browsers window. If the line is removed the tasks are
still diplayed in the calendar - if the opt. for it is on.

Seems like it is a debug test-line that have been forgoten to be

Removed it myself, thx.


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