[kronolith] can I call someone ?

Adrian DeBoer stud_muffin_540 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 29 18:38:37 PDT 2003

> No, you put 'sql' there.

Cool....now we're getting somewhere!  I changed it
sql, wento to login with one of my users I created -
and the screen DID NOT SIMPLY REFRESH !! Yeah!!!! 
However, I did get an error - 

"A fatal error has occurred:
Required 'phptype' not specified in authentication
[line 97 of /var/www/html/horde/lib/Auth/sql.php]
Details have been logged for the administrator."
> Later, you will need to define your sql settings,
> and set your phptype
> to 'mysql' at that point. 

I tried doing this  - looked through various config
files, and looked on Google, and even found a thread
by you Eric --> .


I need to know what other files to edit - I looked at
the sql.php file, but I don't think that's where I
need to be editng....Does it sound like I am on the
right track?  - editing the file horde.php to say

> Moo!

hahahaahaahhaa!!!  I love it!

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