[kronolith] There was an error accessing the calendar: 0 not found

Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak mjc at avtechpulse.com
Tue Aug 19 07:57:25 PDT 2003

Double-check your pg_hba.conf file (aka PostgreSQL Client Authentication Configuration File), and make sure it is set up properly. I think the format changed slightly in v7.3. (I think they added a user field).

- Mike

> I am having some trouble with kronolith, I am using 
> postgresql.  I have
> recently upgraded to 7.3 and am now faced with being unable to add any
> event to the calendar.  Any thoughts.  Also I have tried to 
> create a new
> calendar but it is not created although horde seems to think 
> that it has
> been --> "The calendar "new" has been saved."
> "There was an error accessing the calendar: 0 not found"
> Thanks
> - -ben

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