[kronolith] Re: your kronolith error

Matt Nowroozi matt at nowroozi.net
Tue Oct 7 11:29:25 PDT 2003

I solved this problem. My horde database was not updated. I was still using the 
old configuration of horde with new snap files. There's a new column to the 
kronolith table. I updated my database, and worked nicely. Thanks all.

Matt Nowroozi
email: matt at nowroozi.net

Quoting Michael Brennen <mbrennen at fni.com>:

> Sep 15 09:32:31 HORDE [emergency] [kronolith] Unable to load the
> definition of Kronolith_Driver_. [on line 82 of
> "/opt/apache/htdocs/horde/kronolith/lib/Driver.php"]
> I just had to research the cause of this myself, and it turned out
> to be a silly syntax error in the conf.php file.  I had not closed a
> field with '); so the conf.php was not parsing correctly and its
> data values were undefined.  Take a hard look at your syntax, and
> run the file through php -l to lint it.
>    -- Michael

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