[kronolith] kronolith_import and kronolith_replace broken

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Mon Apr 5 06:11:40 PDT 2004


kronolith_import and kronolith_replace used to work fine for me but since
version revision 1.02 they contain a line


$content does not (generally?) contain an attribute 'UID' and thus getAttribute
returns a Pear_Error. As a result the creation of the new event fails during
saving the event: an error object does not make a very good id...

I don't know why the $event->setID lines are required. They were introduced in
r1.102 with a cvs comment "Migrate functionality from Moment to Kronolith for
creating meetings, tracking attendees, and sending updates via iTip. Submitted
by:<s.binge at codefusion.co.za>"

On the other hand this might rather be a bug in
framework/iCalender/iCalender.php Horde_iCalender::getAttribute(): the inline
doc for this function says it's supposed to return false on nonexistant
attributes while in fact it returns a Pear_Error.

A Pear_Error is what the rest of the code (like Driver.php) seems to expect so
it might  be better to just change the doc in line 93 of iCalendar.php from

     * @return mixed (boolean) False if the attribute does not exist.
     * @return mixed (Pear_Error) Pear_Error if the attribute does not exist.

Then kronolith/lib/api.php requires the following change: line 230 from
        $id = $content->getAttribute('UID');
        if (!is_a($id, 'PEAR_Error')) {

same for the other getAttribute call in line 367.

Can anyone with cvs write access verify this and then check it in?  Thanks


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