[kronolith] VCalendar addition...

vljubovic at smartnet.ba vljubovic at smartnet.ba
Fri Apr 16 01:28:47 PDT 2004

Hello list!

I'm using Horde 3.0 alpha, IMP 4.0 alpha and Kronolith 2.0 alpha.

I just received a vCalendar file from a colleague using Lotus Notes. I clicked
on the attachment and got a nice popup with meeting proposal! great work guys
and girls :) I chose to Accept Request and then Add this to my calendar. The
message said "The event was added to your calendar." however I can't find the
event anywhere in my calendar.

Here is the zipped vCalendar file with all personal information striked out
(hopefully), if needed I can provide the original file on a personal basis.

Thank you once again for your excellent product.

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Url : http://lists.horde.org/archives/kronolith/attachments/20040416/140ea694/vcal.bin

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