[kronolith] Fwd: Horde Calendar...

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon May 3 00:55:23 PDT 2004

----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von kevin at kevincrannie.ca -----
    Datum: Sun, 2 May 2004 17:23:32 -0400
    Von: KEVIN CRANNIE <kevin at kevincrannie.ca>
Antwort an: KEVIN CRANNIE <kevin at kevincrannie.ca>
 Betreff: Horde Calendar...
      An: consulting at horde.org

Dear Horde Project Core Team Members:

On April 15, 2004, I registered my name, Kevin Crannie as a domain name,
with Sibername (http://www.sibername.com), for the purpose of being able to
have my own personalized email address as being kevin at kevincrannie.ca  
When Sibername set up my account, it was set up, so that, I could view my
mail via Horde Webmail.

One of the features I enjoy about Horde's webmail is the Calendar for
marking important dates and being reminded of these dates when they come
due.  One thing I want to ask about Horde Calendar:  Can Horde Calendar be
set to send reminders in my calendar to my Inbox directly as they come due?
 I can't seem to find this feature at all.  It this feature of Horde
Calendar does not exist, will Horde be implementing this feature in the
near future.  I find it benefical to have reminders sent directly to my
Inbox, as opposed to having to open the calendar to view upcoming dates.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Kevin Crannie
kevin at kevincrannie.ca
Visit the online website of Codys, New Brunswick, Canada
(http://www.codys-newbrunswick.ca), a village on the banks of the
Washademoak Lake, Queens County, named after the Loyalist Cody Family.  Its
most notable person was the late Archdeacon H. A. Cody.

----- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht -----


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