[kronolith] embedding urls in the description field of a calendar event

davidc at project-w.com davidc at project-w.com
Fri May 28 13:49:26 PDT 2004

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting davidc at project-w.com:
> > Is it possible to embed an url in the description field of an event?  I'd
> > like to set an event to remind me to pay a bill.  When I view the event,
> I'd
> > like to be able to click the url in the description field.  I've 
> > tried putting
> > the url in directly and also embedding it with "a href" tags with no
> luck.
> What version of Kronolith? This has worked fine for me for years... Make
> sure
> you include the full http[s]:// prefix, though.

     I'm using Kronolith 1.1.  I include the full url including http but it is
never displayed as a hyperlink.  Thanks

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