[kronolith] kronolith: e-mailing alarms

Jim Ward seker at uwyo.edu
Thu Jun 17 13:45:12 PDT 2004

I was looking through the archive messages for some help on this and I found
>> Kronolith - Email alerts for appointment alarms
> That's already implemented.

I've looked through all the configurations for kronolith (v 1.1.2) and I can't
figure out to get this to work.

So, how do I configure this to work?

It seems to me, that would be some kind of cron job, that checks for alarms.  I
am considering writing code for this actually, but I'm still not real sure
where the entry point for my code would be into kronolith code, so I didn't
have manually figure out recuring alarms and stuff.

Anyway help would be great.


Jim Ward                                   seker at uwyo.edu
SA, COSC, University of Wyoming

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