[kronolith] Re: [horde] Horde-Kronolith Integration

sani at loyolajesuit.org sani at loyolajesuit.org
Fri Jan 7 12:29:59 PST 2005


Thanks for that tip. I have inserted the var_dump($timestamp) statement but the
error still persists. Below is a peice of the code in my addevent.php. I hope
the new statement is in the right place?

Thank you once again for your patience.

$event = &$kronolith->getEvent();
$_SESSION['attendees'] = $event->getAttendees();

if (!$timestamp = Util::getFormData('timestamp')) {
    $month = Util::getFormData('month', date('n'));
    $day = Util::getFormData('mday', date('j'));
    $year = Util::getFormData('year', date('Y'));
    $hour = $prefs->getValue('twentyFour') ? 12 : 6;
    $timestamp = mktime($hour, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);

//As advised



$url = Util::getFormData('url');

$event->start = &new Horde_Date($timestamp);
// Default to a 1 hour duration.
$event->end = &new Horde_Date($timestamp + 3600);
$month = $event->start->month;
$year = $event->start->year;

And what is the value of the "timestamp" parameter in that URL, or if it isn't
there, put a var_dump($timestamp) around line 31 of addevent.php (after the
block that makes sure there's a timestamp set).

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