[kronolith] reminders.php

Zachary Denison zacharydenison at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 7 08:21:07 PST 2005

I have all of the released H3 versions of
Horde,Kronolith,etc... installed.

Everything is working perfectly except for the
reminders.  When I run reminders from the command
line, it doesn't complain about anything, yet it also
doesnt do anything.

I have tried strace on it and nothing out of the
ordinary comes up.  I setup several calendar events
and ran the reminder and no email was sent.

Does reminder require me to have the users in SQL?  I
am using imap and letting imp handle the Horde

It seems ambiguous what the server_name parameter is
for, and I have tried setting it to both the 1) smtp
server, and 2) the domain to which the username should
be prepended.  Neither seems to work?

Is there anything special to do- I also tried
installing it under cron but that doesnt work either
(which was expected) since it doesnt work from the
command line.

Also -  I should mention - that nothing comes up on
the horde.log under PEAR_LOG_ERR.  When I set the
parameter to PEAR_LOG_DEBUG - I get some information
about it doing SQL queries -- and when I manually
login to mysql and enter those queries, I am able to
see my calender events that I selected to be reminded

So I suspect the problem has something to do with the
emailing of the reminder?  Any thoughts?

Thank you very much.


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