[kronolith] Re: freebusyURI trouble

pascal at linuxorable.net pascal at linuxorable.net
Mon Feb 14 06:23:42 PST 2005

Quoting Wolfgang Rosenauer <wolfgang.rosenauer at an-netz.de>:

> pascal at linuxorable.net wrote:
>>> You would need a special LDAP attribute where such a URL is saved.
>>> If you can't provide such a attribute you can add your contacts to your
>>> personal addressbook if you provide it.
>>> Chuck suggested a turba hook for the case that all your users have a
>>> default calendar within your Kronolith installation. That's the case for
>>> example for me.
>>> But I never got such a hook working.
>> And if I provide a mysql personal addressbook in addition of my public
>> one, what
>> will I have to do with this  "freebusy" URI ?
>> I feel I need to import a iCalendar but where will I find it ?
>> Should I install it ?
> As soon as your contact have such a freebusy URL defined, Kronolith can
> check the FreeBusy information of the defined calendars and can tell you
> when a special attendee is free or busy.
> You don't need more software for this.
Ok, but can you explain me what is a freebusy URL (I know free, I know 
busy, but
a freebusy URL is very mysterious for a French guy ) and how define 
such a thing

> CU,
>  Wolfgang
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