[kronolith] Re: Reminders not working, help wanted.

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Tue Feb 22 18:27:53 PST 2005

> Question 1:
> Which of the following is correct?
> /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/horde/kronolith/scripts/reminders.php
> or
> /usr/bin/php -f /var/www/html/horde/kronolith/scripts/reminders.php

> Doesn't matter.

> Question 2:
> Whether the cron should run as root or as apache?

> Doesn't matter.

> Question 3:
> How the VFS  is related with reminders.php

> It's used to store which alarms have been sent already.

> Question 4:
> Can anybody put in the list, the configuration required for reminders.php
> work?

With the above questions answered, what else can we look at to see why this
isn't working for those of us having issues?  I don't know php, so I am
relying on the knowledge of this list.  I have made sure that my
reminders.php has been set to executable for the userid running it via cron.
Does php need to be compiled with some additional options?  Is there
anything in my test.php file I can check to make sure the php I am using is
all good?  I am using php4-3.10.  Is there a way to simulate running
reminders.php to see if any errors can be produced?  I also have entries in
the horde_vfs table, is there something I can check here?  Is there a way to
turn on some debugging?  I might be reaching on some of the questions, but
this feature doesn't seem like it should be taking this long to make work.

Thanks again,


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