[kronolith] Free/Busy Question

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Mon Mar 14 20:17:58 PST 2005


Can free/busy be used with without using LDAP?  If not, don't read anymore.
If so, can I get someone to please give me some guidance?  I have the latest
stable releases of Horde/imp/turba/kronolith installed.  For my horde
settings, I have VFS set to sql, driver - Horde defaults, name of VFS table
- horde_vfs.  For Kronolith, I have free/busy driver - sql, driver
configuration - Horde defaults, Database table - kronolith storage.

Users have setup a personal identity, then under options Calendar, have
chosen a default Calendar, and default address book for free/busy url's is
set to My Addressbook.  Under My Calendars, a calendar has been chosen and
permissions have been set.  The permissions are set as, owner - all,
Authenticated users - show and read, object creator - all.  User has setup
another user that is on the system in their private address book, and copied
the free/busy url from the my calendars listing to the free/busy url section
and saved the address.

When trying to create a calendar event, and editing attendees, I am getting
the following errors.  Error retrieving free/busy information... No
freebusyUrl entry found.. - This is for the user trying to set up the event.
Do I need to add my person information to My Addressbook?  The other error
says Error retrieving free/busy information for user*domain.com: Not found.

What am I doing wrong, and what can I do to make this work without using

As always, thanks a lot for any assistance,

John Bennett

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