[kronolith] Re: Generation of user friendly FBURL

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sat Apr 2 20:23:24 PST 2005

Quoting Kevin Myer <kevin_myer at iu13.org>:

> Add a second (or third) case to fb.php.  Use that as a flag to switch between
> the normal case of generating entries for a Horde user, and the 
> specialcase(s)
> of generating for a room, or other item.  Say use "c" the way it 
> currently is - the calendar share id, "u" for generating all of a 
> user's FB info, and "r" for a room, and that could actually just be a 
> "c" for that matter, because rooms wouldn't be likely to have more 
> than one calendar (but maybe there would be some other magic that 
> need to be taken into account that would warrant a
> standalone designation).

I don't think r for room is needed. Perhaps r for resource if they're 
not regular accounts or calendars, though (could a room really have 
more than one calendar?). But otherwise that sounds like it'd work to 
me. Patch? Enhancement ticket? What you wrote here is a good 
description/argument fwiw:

> I think having fb.php handle multiple cases would greatly enhance 
> Kronolith. "c" for calendar, "u" for user (which does a preference 
> lookup to find which
> calendars to use for that user).  I'd need to do one mass update of existing
> LDAP calfbURLs but I'd never, ever need to change them again.  I can 
> guarantee
> you that if I create a calfbURL for a new user, you can come back tomorrow,
> next week, a year from now, and use that URL and no matter how many calendars
> that user decides need to be a part of their FB information, you'll get
> accurate FB for them.  If you leave it the way it is, and the user decides to
> delete their current calendar, the LDAP entry is obsolete (I use LDAP 
> but thats only an example - it doesn't matter where its stored).  If 
> they create a new calendar and want to include that in addition to 
> their first default
> share, the entry is obsolete.


"But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." - John 
Quincy Adams

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