[kronolith] Re: SOLVED! But why! Re: free/busy, almost there but...

Toomas Vann tom at bns.ee
Fri Apr 8 05:44:20 PDT 2005


Well as i said before, I don't know php, maybe just a bit.
But before free/busy inforamtion was not presented when adding persons
to a meeting and after this few line patch I got a visual... 

If required to log or to debug something that could help, I'll be glad
to do anything I can.

Thanks all responsible for Horde project(s)! Great stuff


-----Original Message-----
From: kronolith-bounces at lists.horde.org
[mailto:kronolith-bounces at lists.horde.org] On Behalf Of Chuck Hagenbuch
Sent: 7. aprill 2005. a. 5:59
To: kronolith at lists.horde.org
Subject: [kronolith] Re: SOLVED! But why! Re: free/busy, almost there

Quoting Ken Weaverling <weave at dtcc.edu>:

> That two line patch I posted? Interesting...  I still don't understand

> how that worked for anyone else.

It may not have - that's why I pointed you to the existing bug. The
scheduling stuff is one of the less tested codepaths.


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