[kronolith] Shares

Jason Fleisher jasonf at email.arizona.edu
Thu Jun 30 11:26:01 PDT 2005

Duh! I found the php 'serialize' command.


On 6/30/2005 11:06 AM, Jason Fleisher wrote:

>Thanks, Kevin. One more question- is there someplace I can look to learn 
>how to "serialize it properly"?
>On 6/28/2005 5:30 PM, Kevin Myer wrote:
>>Quoting Jason Fleisher <jasonf at email.arizona.edu>:
>>>I'd like to have guest users see a default read-only calendar. How do I
>>>make a certain user's calendar the default for guests to use?
>>Setup the calendar using the existing user's account, with appropriate guest
>>Edit kronolith/config/prefs.php and add the calendar id to 'display_cals'
>>preference.  BE SURE TO SERIALIZE IT PROPERLY in the preference config 
>>file. If you can, set the prefererence for one user, then copy and 
>>paste it out of
>>your preference backend into prefs.php.  If you want both guests and
>>authenticated users to have that default, that should be all you need.  If you
>>only want guests to have that, you'll need to add a wee bit of code to 
>>check if
>>its an authenticated user or a guest and switch preference settings
>>Thunderstorm rolling through here, so time to disconnect before I get fried :)

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