[kronolith] Adding icons

Arelowo Alao aalao at ncmec.org
Fri Jul 22 09:51:37 PDT 2005

Is their anyway to alter the Kronolith.php file to also add icons to the
tabs.  I think this is the function I need to alter






function tabs()


        require_once 'Horde/UI/Tabs.php';

        require_once 'Horde/Variables.php';

        $tabs = &new Horde_UI_Tabs('view',

        $tabs->preserve('timestamp', Kronolith::currentTimestamp());


        $tabs->addTab(_("Day"), Horde::applicationUrl('day.php'),

        $tabs->addTab(_("Work Week"),
Horde::applicationUrl('workweek.php'), 'workweek');

        $tabs->addTab(_("Week"), Horde::applicationUrl('week.php'),

        $tabs->addTab(_("Month"), Horde::applicationUrl('month.php'),


        echo $tabs->render(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'index.php'
? $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('defaultview') : str_replace('.php', '',


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