[kronolith] Search function not working with mysql backend

david@auonline.com.au david at auonline.com.au
Thu Sep 8 16:28:21 PDT 2005

Thank you for your reply chuck.
I've gone through the conf.php files so many times but never looked at the prefs.

Unfortunetly it doesn't appear to be that (nothing that really relates)

I edited the code in /lib/Kronolith.php to include 
$cal = 'myowncalendar';
 if ($kronolith->getCalendar() != $cal) {
            $retevents = $kronolith->search($query);
            foreach ($retevents as $event) {
                $events[] = $event;
and it worked!!

So for some reason the 
foreach ($calendars as $cal) {
is not putting my calandars into $cal...

obviously I think this has to be back tracked to the $calendars array.

It appears the $calendars is supposed to be filled up within these lines..

if (!isset($query->calendars)) {
            $calendars = $GLOBALS['display_calendars'];
echo 'testtest';

but is not.

The echo 'testtest'; is only for testing proving that the if condition is true
because testtest is printed out on my screen.

I am unable to backtrack any further to find out why
$GLOBALS['display_calendars'] yields nothing.

Kind Regards,


AU Online --- your local Web Hosting solutions group --- http://www.auonline.com.au

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