[kronolith] Import and Category

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Sep 13 00:37:27 PDT 2005

Zitat von Markus Braun <charmed21muc at hotmail.com>:

> 1) When i try to import the attached document (termine.csv). The 
> letters aren't displayed correctly.
> e.g. Ganztägiges Ereignis  --> Ganzt&#18921;ges Ereignis (horde)

CSV data need to be in the same charset like the interface to be 
imported correctly into Kronolith.

> 2) Also i deleted two categories in Kronolith, but they always show now.
> --> See the attached File Clipboard2


> Also the letters aren't displayed correctly, too.
> e.g. Gesch„ftlich Pers”nlich  instead of Geschäftlich or Persönlich

Can't reproduce this.


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