[kronolith] Calender activation per script

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Nov 24 06:42:06 PST 2005

Keep discussions on the list.

Zitat von Peter Becker <tera at teranus.de>:

>>> Is there any possibility to activate a shared calender per script for every
>>> user? Could I do this in the database?
>> Set read permissions for all authenticated users for that calendar.
> I already did so.
> But in every useraccount you have to go to the calender and klick on the
> dropdown menu to activate the shared calendar (make the '-' to a '+')
> Is there a possibility to do this for this one shared calendar for every
> account automatically per script?

You can hack lib/base.php where we subscribe new users automatically to 
their default calendars.


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