[kronolith] CorporateTime

Daniel A. Ramaley daniel.ramaley at DRAKE.EDU
Wed Nov 30 06:51:55 PST 2005

On Wednesday 30 November 2005 08:45, Jan Schneider wrote:
>Zitat von "Daniel A. Ramaley" <daniel.ramaley at DRAKE.EDU>:
>> Hello. I am trying to determine if Kronolith can access a
>> CorporateTime calendar. Searching Google has not been very helpful,
>> and searching the
>WTH is a CoporateTime calendar?

It is a calendar and scheduling product, designed for large 
organizations. The 2001 post to this list that i referenced previously 
describes it briefly:

>3. Steltor (formerly CS&T) CorporateTime and Lexacom Servers
>   (commercial)
>    This company seems to round out the "top 3" active commercial
>    cal/sch server providers.  They are active in the IETF process, and
>    some of their personnel have co-written the IETF draft standards.

Since then the product has been purchased by Oracle. I think it may have 
become Oracle Calendar, though the version we have is old enough to 
call itself Steltor CorporateTime.

Dan Ramaley
Network Programmer/Analyst
(515) 271-4540
Dial Center 118, Drake University

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