[kronolith] CSV Import Issues

Michael Edwards medwards1 at onehealth.ca
Wed Apr 26 08:34:41 PDT 2006

>> I'm struggling to import CSV data from another web-based calendar into
>> Kronolith.
> You don't say what version of Kronolith you're using.

Yes, I realized this late yesterday. I am using Kronolith H3 (2.1)  
(I'm fairly sure not the 2.1.1 revision as it's not listed in the  
CHANGES file).

> I know there
> have been issues with multiline fields in the past; you might want to
> check the list archives or closed tickets on bugs.horde.org.

This ticket ( http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=1429 ) describes  
different behaviour than what I am experiencing.

> If that doesn't find anything, create a new bug ticket with this example.

Roger that: see http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=3839

Michael Edwards

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