[kronolith] kronolith subscriptions: only export?

etienne etiennesky at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 12 17:20:23 PDT 2006

is it just me or the "import" part of the remote
subscriptions is not implemented?  It seems to me that
right now Kronolith can only export  an ical file.  I
managed to import my calendar into Sunbird, using
"Reload  Remote Calendars" but I cannot publish any
changes using "Publish Entire Calendar" (using the
same URL), it just hangs.

Also looking at the code of ics.php it only does the
export part.  

So is there any way of truy integrating (i.e. 2-ways)
Kronolith with Sunbird?  With a real WebDAV server can
this be done?


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