[kronolith] Kronolith free/busy 2.0.6 question

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Jul 4 16:21:06 PDT 2006

Quoting "John H. Bennett III" <bennettj at thebennetthome.com>:

> When using Kronolith with Horde 3.0.10, whenever I save an event to my
> calendar, it doesn't show up in a freebusy search for 5 minutes.  Should
> events show up immediately in a freebusy search, or is this working as
> designed.  If WAD, is there a way to shorten this time?

Free/busy data is cached. You could disable your Horde cache.


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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